Sunday, September 25, 2011

We are all Mathematicians!!!

Math is everywhere and we couldn't live without it :)  We are learning that mathematicians look for patterns and efficient ways to understand math concepts.  We have been looking at patterns and explaining the patterns with shapes, numbers, letters and movement.  We have read two great books to understand patterns.  

We have done lots of pattern practice!  We have also been identifying the core pattern (the part that repeats itself).

Red, Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Yellow, Green, Green 



Green, Yellow, Green, Yellow

The core is Green, Yellow.

Yellow, Red, Yellow, Red...

Or A,B,A,B....

Or Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square...

With the core being Triangle, Square.

After reading 'A Cloak For A Dreamer' we created our own cloaks...


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Young Scientists!

Our class had a great time being scientists with Paul from "High Touch High Tech".  We were using our senses to observe and participate in experiments.

Check out our insect song: 

 Check out how we learned to communicate like insects:

Here we are wafting to find our insect family without talking.

Here we are making Moth bait out of apple juice, vanilla and brown sugar...

Figuring out the life cycle of an ant and ladybug.

We got to observe a very old Millipede which is not an insect but a cool Arthropod! He has over 60 legs!!!

Lots of fast moving crickets!!!

Darkling Beetles at different life cycle stages!

Hissing Cockroach... which reminds me of turning the lights on in a hostel in Fiji!

Thank You!

Thank you to Jake's mom, Mrs. Hartwig, for making Play dough for our class!  We have been using it for fine motor warm ups, making 3D letters and for fun!  If you look close you can see a very big kid playing with the play dough!

We still need another batch of play dough if anyone is willing to make some for us or with us :)

Private Eyes

I'm very excited to introduce "Private Eyes" into our class.  It is a way we can explore and investigate our environment.  I am documenting this project as part of my field study with SFU Graduate Diploma.  A big thank you goes to Lukas' mom, Mrs. Blokzyl from Kanaka Diamond & Gold as she was so kind to order three class sets for our school at a great price!

At times the Private eyes will be used to draw, write and theorize in their own 'Explore Journal'.  The goal is to incorporate the Private Eyes in play/inquiry, create questions, connections, thinking comparatively, theorizing and wonderment.

 Here we are all looking at our own hands to see how it looks to look through the Private Eye.
 Now we are exploring with the Private Eyes in our courtyard!
 After exploring we drew and wrote in our explore journal what we saw and what it reminds us of.  You will notice that we use pen for drawing in certain books as it has less friction than a pencil and the glide helps with drawing details.  Of course everyone thinks its so cool to use pen especially in Grade One!

If anyone has some great ideas for exploring with the "Private Eyes" please let me know.  Even if you have something interesting we can borrow for awhile to look at through the Private Eyes, the kids would love it.  If you would like to check out more about Private Eyes and using them in classrooms check out:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Class Schedule for Div. 18

Parent Reading: Tuesday and Thursday mornings. We have been working on Connections with our stories.  We will be working on this strategy and others throughout the year.  We also talk about what the character is thinking, feeling and what they might say next.  To learn more about SmartLearning check out Susan Close's website

Siblings can take books home on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from the Jr. Library.  Those siblings that would like to play on the light table can come in the class at the end of the day to play, as morning reading time is a great time to get them involved in the reading process.

Poem books have started and come home on Fridays and need to return them on Mondays!

Sharing has started and they only need to bring their sharing book and bag on their sharing day.  Topics and student days are in their sharing books :)

Library is on Monday afternoons.  Please make sure they have their cloth library bag and the books inside the ziplock bag in case of liquid spills in backpacks.  They should be coming home with a picture book and a leveled book.

Fine Arts with Ms. Falletta is also on Mondays.  She will be starting with music this term.  In following terms they will also participate in additional drama and art activities with Ms. Falletta.
P.E. will be on Thursdays and Fridays with Ms. Francis.  They will learn many ball, running and cooperative game skills.  Participation and listening is a huge part of P.E.  We also participate in Daily Physical Activities (DPA) within the classroom.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Welcome to Div. 18

September is here and routines have started.  Thank you to all the parents who have come in for our SmartLearning approach to Parent Reading.  We will start this week with our stories and making connections.

Connections: Its reminds me of_______________.  I once ___________.
This reminds me of another story ________________.  I once read _________.

Here our Grade ones are learning to talk in A/B partners.  They are learning to give their full attention to their partner and then report out what their partner says.  (My partner _________ says/thinks/wonders __________)

 Look how well everyone is cooperating and pointing with their fingers!!!

 Here is what Div. 18 came up with to be 'RESPECTFUL' classroom members!!!  Each student made their own page to make a class book :)

Exploring with our buddies from Ms. Wilson's grade 6/7 class:Exploring, playing, and creating helps build self-regulators, problem solvers, cooperation, respectful learners and positive citizens. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Very Important: Nut Allergies!!

We have two students with severe Tree Nut Allergies, so therefore we are asking parents to be very careful not to send any type of nuts to school.  Thank you for your cooperation in keeping all of our students safe.

*If your child has an allergy that others need to be aware of please email me or come in and let me know.
Thank you!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome to Grade One!

Welcome to Div. 18 with Mrs. Fitkall and Ms. Beynon (Mon.).  We have had a great start up and all the kids are settling in wonderfully.  Thank you for all the parents who have sent in their child's school supplies and have labeled supplies according to the notice sent home today.  Thank you all for sharpening all the pencils as this is a huge help with 23 six year olds.

Please send inside shoes and a bag with extra clothes as we have "westcoast recess" and puddles seem to jump up at grade ones from time to time :)  When we know our gym, library etc. times, I will post then here on our class blog and post them in our class window.  Please send in $9 for planners ASAP.

Anytime you have questions you may write it in your child's planner, come in and see us or email Ms. Beynon and I at  and

 We have an exciting year planned and look forward to a great year!