Friday, October 7, 2011

Lexia and Ninjago!

The two newest thing in our class is Lexia and Ninjago fever!!!  Our district has 10 licences to a new program for reading and phonics! So we can only use them before recess as it is shared with another school.  Everyone wants to play on the "Video Game"... so no it is not a video game but a phonics game that tracks their progress and will not let them go any further without successfully completing each level.  Each level has several areas they work on and the student has the choice of which section they want to work on.  They use headphones in order for them to hear the computer sounds and instructions.  Some students are on it daily to help with letter sound recognition.  Keep up all the great work on letter sounds!!!


Students are allowed to bring Ninjagos as long as they are not playing with them during teaching time!  We also encourage sharing if someone doesn't have one and to give them a turn.  Our class has been fairly good with including anyone who would like to play!

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